Hey right now you can load post materials but i dont think you can load instances. If we were able to load instances for post materials it would cut down the pak sizes by a lot, it would allow for post material effect states, so we could make it gradually wear off and what not without needing to have huge pak sizes.
Here is how you load in post materials at the moment.
This is how i think instances should be loaded according to how its handled in unreal engine.
If you want to know more about post material instances, click here.
Here is how you load in post materials at the moment.
AddPostProcessMaterial("pmats", UMaterialInterface.LoadFromAsset("/posteffects/PostProcess/PPM_TS_InkAndPaper_BallPoint_old"))
AddPostProcessMaterial("pmats", UMaterialInterface.LoadFromAsset("/posteffects/PostProcess/PPM_TS_InkAndPaper_BallPoint_old"), UMaterialInstance.LoadFromAsset("/posteffects/PostProcess/Instances/PPM_TS_InkAndPaper_BallPoint_BalanceRP"))