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    I don’t wanna sound like an idiot, and sound like those who compare GTA/Fivem and Onset... But that aside, I do see some nice features that (I/Me) think would be a nice addition to Onset Scripting (May be updated)

    Pre validation
    The player goes though some checks, before he can fully connect. (Maybe the server would get steam information, and maybe no more.) This could be used to develop a queue like system, or check ban status before letting them in (maybe more the prevalidation since queue maybe could be done via dimensions? Or not 😅)
    This process can be canceled to reject the player

    Deeper discord integration Players can Auth with discord/Onset get discord info behind the scenes... Be able to check roles, used for whitelist, roles and so on

    I'm happy and proud to say, the I've here before release, and looking forward to the journey of Onset
    Last edited by EFCO; 02-03-2021, 02:16 PM.

    Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

    I think you can manage via scripts to not let him join the "gameplay" until you have cheeked their Steam identity. Although players are assigned a player identifier before the Steam identification is completed = they are also part of the return values of functions like GetAllPlayers().

    Other than that you can also check for IP bans right before the player is allowed to fully connect. (OnClientConnectionRequest)

    Getting the Discord info shouldn't be hard on the client but I'm not sure if Discord has a ticket authentication system like Steam does to actually verify it. Got any more info on that?

