function cmd_test(player)
local x, y, z = GetPlayerLocation(player)
AddPlayerChat(player, ("[position] x %f y %f z %f a %f"):format(x,y,z,GetPlayerHeading(player)))
print(("[position] x %f y %f z %f a %f"):format(x,y,z,GetPlayerHeading(player)))
AddCommand("save", cmd_test)
command : /save
output : Dedicated Server Console And Game Chat Screen
I copy and use the values in the console window.
heading value is an player angle value.
local x, y, z = GetPlayerLocation(player)
AddPlayerChat(player, ("[position] x %f y %f z %f a %f"):format(x,y,z,GetPlayerHeading(player)))
print(("[position] x %f y %f z %f a %f"):format(x,y,z,GetPlayerHeading(player)))
AddCommand("save", cmd_test)
command : /save
output : Dedicated Server Console And Game Chat Screen
I copy and use the values in the console window.
heading value is an player angle value.