Hi, I have a little problem here, When I create a 3D sound, Its working but when I call the function SetSound3DLocation to update the 3D sound location, nothing happen. For information, yes my while loop work. Thanks for help!
xveh, yveh, zveh = GetVehicleLocation(veh)
sirenwailsound = CreateSound3D("zeptepprod/job/police/sirensystem/sound/siren_wail.wav", xveh, yveh, zveh, 3000)
while( isPressedWail == true ) do
xveh1, yveh1, zveh1 = GetVehicleLocation(veh)
SetSound3DLocation("sirenwailsound", xveh1, yveh1, zveh1)
xveh, yveh, zveh = GetVehicleLocation(veh)
sirenwailsound = CreateSound3D("zeptepprod/job/police/sirensystem/sound/siren_wail.wav", xveh, yveh, zveh, 3000)
while( isPressedWail == true ) do
xveh1, yveh1, zveh1 = GetVehicleLocation(veh)
SetSound3DLocation("sirenwailsound", xveh1, yveh1, zveh1)