Onset 1.4.0 (Protocol Compatibility 4)
The game compatibility has changed in this release. Server owners must update their server via steamcmd in order to allow clients to connect.
Gas Station
Erwann reworked the gas station in the main city. It looks a lot more attractive now.

A new sign on top the city hills fill some empty space.

The restricted rooms in the townhall are now open for usage.

Something that a lot have asked for. They are kind of experimental for now, so expect some bugs. The handling will also be further improved.

Biker Suit

New wheeled vehicles



You can lift up and down using the Q and E key.

Shared Scripts
Lua scripts can now be marked as "shared". These will run on both the server and client. New functions have been added to check if the current scripts runs on the server or on the client.

Support for custom maps water volumes
You can now place "Physics Volumes" on custom maps and use them as a swimmable volume for players and vehicles.

Make sure to set the following settings on your volume. Under "Brush Settings" you can change the size of the water volume.

- Support for wildcards in the package.json
- Add function GetPackageFiles(PackageName)
- Add function GetAllPackages()
- Add function GetPlayerVehicleSeat(player)
- Add function GetObjectByStaticMeshActor(StaticMesh)
- Add function IsClient() and IsServer()
- Function CreateSound() can now play sound files from the gameserver /public_html folder.
- The default map now has a proper navigation mesh. This can be used for AI Blueprints.
- Vehicles can now have more than 4 doors. Vehicle ID 8 now has 5 seats, ID 24 has 4 seats, ID 30 and ID 31 have 5 seats and ID 47 and 48 have 5 seats.
- New spawnable objects have been added. See https://dev.playonset.com/wiki/Objects
- Fix texture size check in function UTexture.LoadFromFile().
- Fix multiple params and return values for UObject:ProcessEvent().
- Fix FAttachmentTransformRules and FDetachmentTransformRules.
- Fix crash in function IsVehicleWheelInAir() and GetVehicleWheelSeerAngle().
- Fix rear collision on Truck04 vehicle.
- Fix rear seats for Hatchback vehicle.
- Fix some sound effects for the Sports Car, Muscle Car and Golf Cart.
- Fix a game crash related to texture sampling.
- Fix possible crash when destroying doors, npcs and objects.
- An invalid or custom gamemode on custom maps no longer crash the game.
- Fix collision for the skyscapper buildings from the last update.
- Fix bug where you don't die when hitting the ground during skydive.
- Function LoadPak() no longer requires RootPath and ContentPath parameter. These are now optional.
- Increase remote event string length to 65536
- Increase remote event max arguments to 14.
- Increase chat message length to 255.
- Increase remote event table dimensions to 5.
- Improve performance when the game loads existing package files/assets from disk.
- Improve night lighting and increase star intensity.
- Print a message in the devlog on network connection error
- Reduce game pak size by another 3GB
- Performance improvements in Townhall.
- Improve file download speed when connecting to a server.
- Improve acceleration on steep slopes for some vehicles.
- Increase ground clearance for Sports Car and Hatchback vehicle.
- Increase vehicle braking force and acceleration on all vehicles.
- Slightly reduce Golf Cart maximum speed.
- Improve Sports Car driver animation.
- Increase ground traction for all vehicles.
- Add proper sounds for the Steampunk vehicle.
Other changes
- Disable halloween fog.
- New game startup video sequence.
- Remove Vulkan support.
Server changes
- Add wildcard support for package.json.
- Increase hostname length to 260 characters.
- Fix player not respawning after skydive death.
- Terminal will now be disabled instead of crashing the server if it is not supported by the host.
- Update Lua to 5.4.2, plugins must be recompiled with the latest OnsetSDK or they might not work.
- Update Steamworks SDK.
- Add function GetPackageFiles(PackageName).
- Add function BroadcastRemoteEvent(EventName, ...).
Update your WorldDoors.lua script from the "default" package for the new map changes.
Plugins must be recompiled with the new OnsetSDK in order to work with the 1.4.0 server.
The game compatibility has changed in this release. Server owners must update their server via steamcmd in order to allow clients to connect.
Gas Station
Erwann reworked the gas station in the main city. It looks a lot more attractive now.
A new sign on top the city hills fill some empty space.
The restricted rooms in the townhall are now open for usage.
Something that a lot have asked for. They are kind of experimental for now, so expect some bugs. The handling will also be further improved.
Biker Suit
New wheeled vehicles
You can lift up and down using the Q and E key.
Shared Scripts
Lua scripts can now be marked as "shared". These will run on both the server and client. New functions have been added to check if the current scripts runs on the server or on the client.
IsServer() IsClient()
Support for custom maps water volumes
You can now place "Physics Volumes" on custom maps and use them as a swimmable volume for players and vehicles.
Make sure to set the following settings on your volume. Under "Brush Settings" you can change the size of the water volume.
- Support for wildcards in the package.json
- Add function GetPackageFiles(PackageName)
- Add function GetAllPackages()
- Add function GetPlayerVehicleSeat(player)
- Add function GetObjectByStaticMeshActor(StaticMesh)
- Add function IsClient() and IsServer()
- Function CreateSound() can now play sound files from the gameserver /public_html folder.
- The default map now has a proper navigation mesh. This can be used for AI Blueprints.
- Vehicles can now have more than 4 doors. Vehicle ID 8 now has 5 seats, ID 24 has 4 seats, ID 30 and ID 31 have 5 seats and ID 47 and 48 have 5 seats.
- New spawnable objects have been added. See https://dev.playonset.com/wiki/Objects
- Fix texture size check in function UTexture.LoadFromFile().
- Fix multiple params and return values for UObject:ProcessEvent().
- Fix FAttachmentTransformRules and FDetachmentTransformRules.
- Fix crash in function IsVehicleWheelInAir() and GetVehicleWheelSeerAngle().
- Fix rear collision on Truck04 vehicle.
- Fix rear seats for Hatchback vehicle.
- Fix some sound effects for the Sports Car, Muscle Car and Golf Cart.
- Fix a game crash related to texture sampling.
- Fix possible crash when destroying doors, npcs and objects.
- An invalid or custom gamemode on custom maps no longer crash the game.
- Fix collision for the skyscapper buildings from the last update.
- Fix bug where you don't die when hitting the ground during skydive.
- Function LoadPak() no longer requires RootPath and ContentPath parameter. These are now optional.
- Increase remote event string length to 65536
- Increase remote event max arguments to 14.
- Increase chat message length to 255.
- Increase remote event table dimensions to 5.
- Improve performance when the game loads existing package files/assets from disk.
- Improve night lighting and increase star intensity.
- Print a message in the devlog on network connection error
- Reduce game pak size by another 3GB
- Performance improvements in Townhall.
- Improve file download speed when connecting to a server.
- Improve acceleration on steep slopes for some vehicles.
- Increase ground clearance for Sports Car and Hatchback vehicle.
- Increase vehicle braking force and acceleration on all vehicles.
- Slightly reduce Golf Cart maximum speed.
- Improve Sports Car driver animation.
- Increase ground traction for all vehicles.
- Add proper sounds for the Steampunk vehicle.
Other changes
- Disable halloween fog.
- New game startup video sequence.
- Remove Vulkan support.
- AActor SetActorRelativeLocation SetActorRelativeRotation RecreatePhysicsState - UKismetMathLibrary MakeRotationFromAxes FindLookAtRotation MakeRotFromX MakeRotFromY MakeRotFromZ MakeRotFromXY MakeRotFromXZ MakeRotFromYX MakeRotFromYZ MakeRotFromZX MakeRotFromZY ComposeRotators RotatorFromAxisAndAngle ClampAxis NormalizeAxis FindClosestPointOnLine GetForwardVector GetRightVector GetUpVector NormalizedDeltaRotator ProjectVectorOnToVector RandomUnitVector RandomPointInBoundingBox RandomUnitVectorInConeInRadians RandomUnitVectorInConeInDegrees CreateVectorFromYawPitch GridSnap_Float Abs Sin Asin Cos Acos Tan Atan Atan2 Exp Log Loge Sqrt Square RandomFloatInRange GetPI GetTAU DegreesToRadians RadiansToDegrees FClamp NormalizeToRange MapRangeUnclamped MapRangeClamped MakePulsatingValue
- Add wildcard support for package.json.
- Increase hostname length to 260 characters.
- Fix player not respawning after skydive death.
- Terminal will now be disabled instead of crashing the server if it is not supported by the host.
- Update Lua to 5.4.2, plugins must be recompiled with the latest OnsetSDK or they might not work.
- Update Steamworks SDK.
- Add function GetPackageFiles(PackageName).
- Add function BroadcastRemoteEvent(EventName, ...).
Update your WorldDoors.lua script from the "default" package for the new map changes.
Plugins must be recompiled with the new OnsetSDK in order to work with the 1.4.0 server.