Onset 1.3.2 (Protocol Compatibility 3)
For the Halloween update Erwann designed a spooky cemetery near the race track and prison.
Stylized custom maps
Other changes
- Support .m4a audio files.
- Increase SetSoundPitch limit to 10.
- Event OnPlayerCrouch can now be cancelled.
- Parameter "radius" in CreateSound3D is now optional.
- Pak files can now be placed in the %LocalAppData%\Onset\Saved\PakFiles directory, bypassing the 2GB download limit.
- Weapon equip should not be possible when playing certain animations.
- Add Set/GetPlayerJumpZVelocity.
- Adjust moon position so that it rises at ~21:00 and goes down at ~6:00, fixes dark lighting in early and late night.
- Prefer aiming over sprinting, sprinting will be stopped when a player wants to aim.
- Update Unreal Engine to 4.25.4
- Function DrawTextureEx parameters now reflect the same parameters as described here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/...ure/index.html
- Add Cast function to cast between different types of Unreal components and actors.
- The global fog intensity has been increased for the Halloween styled update.
- Expose UActorComponent GetOwner - Expose USceneComponent SetVisibility AttachToComponent - Expose UPrimitiveComponent SetRenderCustomDepth SetCollisionResponseToChannel SetCollisionResponseToAllChannels - Expose UShapeComponent - Expose UCapsuleComponent SetCapsuleHalfHeight GetUnscaledCapsuleHalfHeight SetCapsuleRadius GetUnscaledCapsuleRadius SetCapsuleSize - Expose ECollisionResponse - Expose EBlendMode - Expose FVector2D X Y DotProduct DistSquared Distance CrossProduct Max Min Set GetMax GetAbsMax GetMin Size SizeSquared GetRotated Normalize IsNearlyZero IsZero ClampAxes GetAbs InitFromString - Expose UWorld:GetFirstPlayerController - Expose APlayerController - Expose AController GetCharacter GetPawn GetControlRotation GetDesiredRotation IsPlayerController SetControlRotation - Expose APawn AddControllerYawInput AddControllerYawInput AddControllerPitchInput GetControlRotation AddMovementInput
- Function StopPackage now takes an optional "reason" parameter that is being printed to the console.
- Add config for the new Truck vehicle.
Many of the new functions are being used in the prophunt script. There will be a fully playable prophunt server hosted by me in the future.
It's open source, feel free to contribute to it.