Onset 1.0.3 (Protocol Compatibility 1)
Client changes
Remote WebUI whitelist
The whitelist for remote web UIs can now be configured in a config file. This is subject to further improvements.
Enabling WebUI logs
WebUIs now log errors to the following file. This is helpful to debug JS errors. (Only works if started with the -dev flag)
WebUI Remote Debugging (Dev Tools)
Inspect your Onset UI in Google Chrome. Start Onset with the -dev flag and connect to localhost:9222 in Chrome. You can specify a different port to Onset like this: -cefdebug=1337
The image below shows the dev mode being used on the main menu.

New street lamp objects

New worker clothing asset

It's advised that you set a body mask to prevent mesh clipping.
Moving lips while VoIP talking
You have to add the piece of code below to your client script.
Each player model now has 3 morph targets: "A", "E" and "O". You can change them individually using the new UnrealLua functions (see SetMorphTarget below).
If you have a custom player model modded, then you will have to add these morph targets to the mesh in order to make the SetPlayerLipMovement work.
Other changes
New UnrealLua API functions.
Light functions are now exposed. I know there isn't any good documentation for the UnrealLua API functions yet. If you need help with them please tag me in #scripting.
I also will create some example package for the UnrealLua API soon.
Server changes
Zeus Admin package now ships with the server by default. (Source https://github.com/DasDarki/onset-zeus)
Thank you to DasDarki
Zeus is an Administration Tool for Onset created for all Players free to use. Zeus is module-based, which means that it can be expanded easily and without much effort. All you have to do is write modules for Zeus in LUA and enter them into the system. See below under "Module API". Zeus also provides a complete ban and permission system, which even has a simple command interface for commands with permissions.
Admin Menu (/zeus)
Client changes
Remote WebUI whitelist
The whitelist for remote web UIs can now be configured in a config file. This is subject to further improvements.
%AppData%\..\Local\Onset\Saved\Config\remotewebui_ whitelist.cfg
WebUIs now log errors to the following file. This is helpful to debug JS errors. (Only works if started with the -dev flag)
Inspect your Onset UI in Google Chrome. Start Onset with the -dev flag and connect to localhost:9222 in Chrome. You can specify a different port to Onset like this: -cefdebug=1337
The image below shows the dev mode being used on the main menu.
New street lamp objects
New worker clothing asset
It's advised that you set a body mask to prevent mesh clipping.
Moving lips while VoIP talking
You have to add the piece of code below to your client script.
AddEvent("OnPlayerTalking", function(player) SetPlayerLipMovement(player) end)
If you have a custom player model modded, then you will have to add these morph targets to the mesh in order to make the SetPlayerLipMovement work.
Other changes
- Increase pak mount limit to 32.
- Fix rare VoIP crash when a player streams out.
- Fix helicopter crash sound being not 3D.
- Add missing gamepad controls for helicopters.
- Fix helicopter spinning sideways when being the only passenger without a pilot.
- Fix falling through map when jumping in ragdoll
- Cancel aim when going into ragdoll.
- Fix main menu bug with languages not able to select different languages.
- Fix clipping on the cargo pants.
- Enable Async loading thread which shouild improve loading times on some systems.
- Fix SetWebLocation for 3D WebUIs
- Fix SetSound3DLocation
- Fix OnSoundFinished
- Add GetNPCBoneNames, GetNPCBoneLocation
- Add SetPlayerLipMovement
- Add OnPlayerTalking
- Add IsPlayerPlayingAnimation
- Add UpdateStreamingLevels
- Add Lerp, LerpVector
- Fix Lua instruction limit bug.
- SetIgnoreMoveInput(true) now also disables player jumping as this was requested by a lot of users.
New UnrealLua API functions.
Light functions are now exposed. I know there isn't any good documentation for the UnrealLua API functions yet. If you need help with them please tag me in #scripting.
I also will create some example package for the UnrealLua API soon.
- Add UObject::IsA - Add AActor::GetComponents() AActor::GetComponentsByClass() - Add USkeletalMeshComponent::SetMorphTarget USkeletalMeshComponent::GetMorphTarget - Add UStaticMeshComponent::GetStaticMesh - Add UPrimitiveComponent::SetSimulatePhysics UPrimitiveComponent::SetAngularDamping UPrimitiveComponent::SetLinearDamping - Add USceneComponent::GetMobility - Add UParticleSystemComponent::SetTemplate UParticleSystemComponent::SetFloatParameter UParticleSystemComponent::SetColorParameter UParticleSystemComponent::SetEmitterEnable UParticleSystemComponent::HasCompleted - Add ULightComponentBase::SetCastShadows - ULightComponent::SetIntensity - ULightComponent::SetLightColor - ULocalLightComponent::SetAttenuationRadius - ULocalLightComponent::SetIntensityUnits - UPointLightComponent::SetLightFalloffExponent - UPointLightComponent::SetSoftSourceRadius - UPointLightComponent::SetSourceLength - UPointLightComponent::SetSourceRadius - USpotLightComponent::SetOuterConeAngle - URectLightComponent::SetBarnDoorAngle - URectLightComponent::SetBarnDoorLength - URectLightComponent::SetSourceHeight - URectLightComponent::SetSourceTexture - URectLightComponent::SetSourceWidth
Server changes
- Fix SetPlayerName not correctly overriding Steam name.
- Fix crash "remote_endpoint: Transport endpoint is not connected".
- Fix Start/StopPackage not sending package commands to all clients.
- Fix crash in print log function.
- Add GetAllObjects()
- Add OnScriptError(error_msg)
- Add GetPlayerBySteamId(steamid)
- Add Lerp(t, a, b), LerpVector(t, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
- Add http client (working on documentation) Example: https://gist.github.com/BlueMountain...46f465148ec5cf
url_encode(str) http_count() http_get_all() http_is_valid(http) http_create() http_destroy(http) http_is_error(http) http_result_error(http) http_result_body(http) http_result_header(http) http_result_status(http) http_set_protocol(http, protocol) http_set_resolver_protocol(http, resolver_protocol) http_set_host(http, host) http_set_port(http, port) http_set_target(http, target) http_set_verb(http, verb) http_set_timeout(http, timeout) http_set_verifymode(http, verifymode) http_set_version(http, httpversion) http_set_keepalive(http, keepalive) http_set_field(http, field, value) http_set_body(http, body) http_send(http)
Thank you to DasDarki
Zeus is an Administration Tool for Onset created for all Players free to use. Zeus is module-based, which means that it can be expanded easily and without much effort. All you have to do is write modules for Zeus in LUA and enter them into the system. See below under "Module API". Zeus also provides a complete ban and permission system, which even has a simple command interface for commands with permissions.
Admin Menu (/zeus)