Onset 1.9.0-alpha (Protocol Compatibility 10)
Client changelog
The old night lighting caused some issues on the vegetation. I've tweaked some parameters so that the night also appears darker resulting in a more realistic image.
![DarkNight.png Click image for larger version Name: DarkNight.png Views: 0 Size: 685.2 KB ID: 776](filedata/fetch?id=776&d=1574893778)
Armored Truck
Model Identifier 24
Side and rear doors can be opened with the trunk and hood functions.
![ArmoredTruck1.JPG Click image for larger version Name: ArmoredTruck1.JPG Views: 0 Size: 97.5 KB ID: 779](filedata/fetch?id=779&d=1574894483)
Weapon modding
All weapons in Onset are dynamically added at runtime now. The Weapons.lua contains configuration for all existing weapons. You find it in the default package.
Example configuration for the Desert Eagle.
The event OnPlayWeaponHitEffects handles visual effects of weapons. The Weapons.lua contains a pre-configured event that shows the same visual hit effects as always.
It is called for local and remote players. If it is called for remote players the parameters will contain the synced values from the other client.
OnPlayWeaponHitEffects(PlayerId, Weapon, HitType, HitId, StartLocation, HitLocation, HitLocationRelative, HitNormal, HitResult)
New 2 kmĀ² playable area
![HighresScreenshot00001.png Click image for larger version Name: HighresScreenshot00001.png Views: 0 Size: 824.2 KB ID: 777](filedata/fetch?id=777&d=1574894041)
![HighresScreenshot00002.png Click image for larger version Name: HighresScreenshot00002.png Views: 0 Size: 856.6 KB ID: 778](filedata/fetch?id=778&d=1574894166)
Extended UnrealLua API
You can now spawn actors and components directly from Unreal. With this release some game classes have been exposed as well.
Sorry for the lack of documentation. I will add some examples soon.
TrafficLights example:
![trafficlight.gif Click image for larger version
Name: trafficlight.gif
Views: 711
Size: 1.44 MB
ID: 792](filedata/fetch?id=792&d=1575123484)
New functions to get Unreal entity actors:
Server changelog
Update WorldDoors.lua and add the new Weapons.lua to your server.
Client changelog
- Attempt to fix teleport crash (needs testing)
- Add some colliders to CargoTruck Bed.
- Road signs now have a custom collider to trigger physics (crash) for vehicles only.
- Fix Area51 runway collision.
- Disable Discord OAuth2.
- Fix lag in CreateSound/3D.
- Replace SetWaypoint with CreateWaypoint, DestroyWaypoint, SetWaypointText, Set/GetWaypointLocation, GetAllWaypoints
- Replace ATM mesh with a better looking one.
- Add missing taser static mesh.
- 259 new objects https://dev.playonset.com/wiki/Objects
- Enable morph target support for generic materials (so that they work for vehicles) (@Kuzkay)
- Add Armored Truck
- Increase revive animation duration
- Add loadstring function that is sandbox safe
- Display notice in window title if the game was started with -dev
- 21 new animations added to the list https://dev.playonset.com/wiki/AnimationList
The old night lighting caused some issues on the vegetation. I've tweaked some parameters so that the night also appears darker resulting in a more realistic image.
Armored Truck
Model Identifier 24
Side and rear doors can be opened with the trunk and hood functions.
Weapon modding
All weapons in Onset are dynamically added at runtime now. The Weapons.lua contains configuration for all existing weapons. You find it in the default package.
Example configuration for the Desert Eagle.
-- Create a weapon instance local Weapon = GetWeaponIdentifier():NewWeapon(2) -- Set weapon info Weapon:SetWeaponType(1) Weapon:SetWeaponSubType(1) Weapon:SetWeaponModel(USkeletalMesh.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Meshes/Pistol01/SK_Pistol01")) Weapon:SetStaticWeaponModel(UStaticMesh.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Meshes/Pistol01/SM_Pistol01")) Weapon:SetMeshScale(FVector(1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)) Weapon:SetEquipTime(0.23) Weapon:SetUnequipTime(0.45) Weapon:SetAimWalkSpeed(170.0) Weapon:SetCameraAimTargetOffset(FVector(170.000000, 65.000000, 14.000000)) Weapon:SetCameraAimFoV(65.0) Weapon:SetAimBlendTime(0.35) Weapon:SetRange(6500.0) Weapon:SetRecoil(0.3) Weapon:SetCameraShake(1.0) Weapon:SetCameraShakeCrouching(0.5) Weapon:SetSpreadMin(0.1) Weapon:SetSpreadMax(2.0) Weapon:SetSpreadMovementModifier(0.2) Weapon:SetSpreadCrouchingModifier(-0.3) Weapon:SetRateOfFire(90.0) Weapon:SetMagazineModel(UStaticMesh.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Meshes/Pistol01/SM_Pistol01_Mag")) Weapon:SetMagazineSize(8) Weapon:SetMagazineDropTime(0.32) Weapon:SetScope(false) Weapon:SetShotSound(USoundCue.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Sounds/Cues/HZPistol01_Cue")) Weapon:SetShotAnimation(UAnimSequence.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Animations/A_Pistol01_Fire")) Weapon:SetShotAnimationTime(0.3) Weapon:SetMuzzleFlash(UParticleSystem.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/VFX/Particles/Weapons/PS_Pistol01")) Weapon:SetShellDelay(0.0) Weapon:SetProjectileShell(UParticleSystem.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/VFX/Particles/Shells/P_Shell")) Weapon:SetShellSmoke(UParticleSystem.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/VFX/Impacts/Particles/P_ShellSmoke")) Weapon:SetAttachmentLocationModifier(FVector(-8.640888, 3.386111, 2.424174)) Weapon:SetAttachmentRotationModifier(FRotator(10.565318, 86.711197, 10.886045)) Weapon:SetReloadAnimation(UAnimSequence.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Animations/A_Pistol01_Reload")) Weapon:SetReloadAnimationTime(0.96) Weapon:SetCharacterReloadAnimation(UAnimSequence.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Character/Animations/Handgun/A_HG_Reload")) Weapon:SetLeftHandIKLocation(FVector(-2.000000, 8.000000, -5.000000)) Weapon:SetLeftHandARIdleIKLocation(FVector(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)) Weapon:SetLeftHandARIdleIKLocationCrouching(FVector(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)) Weapon:SetHUDImage(UTexture2D.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Images/T_Pistol01")) Weapon:SetAllowAimWhileCrouching(true) Weapon:SetZoomInSound(nil) Weapon:SetZoomOutSound(nil) Weapon:SetEquipSound(USoundCue.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Character/Sounds/Holster/Equip_Fabric_1_A_Cue")) Weapon:SetUnequipSound(USoundCue.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Character/Sounds/Holster/UnEquip_Fabric_1_A_Cue1")) Weapon:SetReloadStartSound(USoundCue.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Sounds/Cues/HZRemoveMag_Cue")) Weapon:SetReloadEndSound(USoundCue.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Sounds/Cues/HZInsertMag_Cue")) Weapon:SetNoAmmoSound(USoundCue.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Weapons/Sounds/Cues/HZEmptyMag_Cue"))[URL="http://javascript<b></b>:void('Insert%20Row%20Before')"]Insert Row Before[/URL] -- Finally register the weapon GetWeaponIdentifier():RegisterWeapon(Weapon)
It is called for local and remote players. If it is called for remote players the parameters will contain the synced values from the other client.
OnPlayWeaponHitEffects(PlayerId, Weapon, HitType, HitId, StartLocation, HitLocation, HitLocationRelative, HitNormal, HitResult)
PlayerId | The player identifier. |
Weapon | The weapon instance. |
HitType | https://dev.playonset.com/wiki/HitType |
HitId | The identifier of the hit entity. |
StartLocation | Trace start location of this bulet/hit. |
HitLocation | Trace hit location. |
HitLocationRelative | Hit location relative to the entity that was hit. |
HitNormal | Bullet impact normal. |
HitResult | Line trace result. |
Extended UnrealLua API
You can now spawn actors and components directly from Unreal. With this release some game classes have been exposed as well.
Sorry for the lack of documentation. I will add some examples soon.
TrafficLights example:
New functions to get Unreal entity actors:
- UPrimitiveComponent
- AddImpulseAtLocation
- IsSimulatingPhysics
- GetMaterialFromCollisionFaceIndex
- SetEnableGravity
- SetCollisionEnabled
- UTextRenderComponent
- SetText
- SetTextRenderColor
- SetHorizontalAlignment
- SetVerticalAlignment
- UParticleSystemComponent
- UDecalComponent
- AActor
- Destroy
- AddComponent
- SetActorLocation
- GetActorLocation
- SetActorRotation
- GetActorRotation
- SetActorScale3D
- GetActorScale3D
- APawn
- ACharacter
- GetMesh
- AMainCharacter
- APlayer
- ARemotePlayer
- ALocalPlayer
- AVehicle
- ASkeletalVehicle
- AWheeledVehicle
- AHelicopter
- APickup
- AStaticMeshActor
- GetStaticMeshComponent
- UWorld
- SpawnActor
- SpawnEmitterAtLocation
- SpawnEmitterAttached
- SpawnSoundAtLocation
- SpawnSoundAttached
- SpawnDecalAttached
- SpawnDecalAtLocation
- FHitResult
- GetComponent()
- GetActor()
- GetBoneName()
- GetPhysicalSurface()
- GetReversedHit()
- IsValidBlockingHit()
- Location
- ImpactPoint
- Normal
- ImpactNormal
- Distance
- Time
- FaceIndex
- TraceStart
- TraceEnd
- PenetrationDepth
- ECollisionEnabled
- NoCollision
- QueryOnly
- PhysicsOnly
- QueryAndPhysics
- EComponentMobility
- Static
- Stationary
- Movable
- EHorizTextAligment
- EHTA_Left
- EHTA_Center
- EHTA_Right
- EVerticalTextAligment
- EVRTA_TextTop
- EVRTA_TextCenter
- EVRTA_TextBottom
- EVRTA_QuadTop
Server changelog
- Add SetText3DText
- Text3D can now show up to 256 characters.
- Add selective network encryption for important data.
Update WorldDoors.lua and add the new Weapons.lua to your server.