Onset 1.8.0-alpha (Protocol Compatibility 9)

Client changelog
  • Improve pine tree LODs and increase their draw distance.
  • Improve look of pine and beech trees during night.
  • Improve forest vegetation.
  • Player can no longer enter the vehicle while reloading.
  • Some map collision fixes.
  • Improve body, lower head (neck) textures, and body mask texture.
  • Fix crash related to On*NetworkUpdatePropertyValue event.
  • New Lua functions:
    • GetObjectStaticMeshComponent
    • GetNPCSkeletalMeshComponent
    • GetPickupStaticMeshComponent
    • SetPlayerClothingPreset, SetNPCClothingPreset (works like the old model system in case you don't want to manually set each clothing item)
    • SetPlayerOutline
    • HexToRGBAFloat
    • DrawTexture
    • DrawTextureEx
    • DrawMaterial
  • Add some materials that you can use to do basic shading
    • /Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_OpaqueLit
      ColorParameters: BaseColor, Metallic, Specular, Roughness, EmissiveColor
      FloatParmeters: EmissiveMultiplier
    • /Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_OpaqueUnlit (Fastest rendering)
      ColorParameters: EmissiveColor
      FloatParmeters: EmissiveMultiplier
    • /Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_TranslucentLit (Use alpha value of BaseColor to control translucency)
    • /Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_GenericTexture
      TextureParameters: BaseColorTexture
      ColorParameters: BaseColor, Metallic, Roughness, EmissiveColor
      FloatParmeters: EmissiveMultiplier
  • UnrealLua enhancements:
    • USceneComponent
      • SetMobility
      • SetHiddenInGame
    • UPrimitiveComponent
      • SetPhysicsAngularVelocityInDegrees
      • SetPhysicsLinearVelocity
      • GetMaterial
    • UTexture
      • ReleaseTexture
Example UnrealLua API usage
function SetPickupColor(pickup, HexColor, materialslot = 0)
    local StaticMeshComponent = GetPickupStaticMeshComponent(pickup)
    StaticMeshComponent:SetMaterial(materialslot, UMaterialInterface.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_OpaqueLit"))
    local MaterialInstance = StaticMeshComponent:CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(materialslot)
    local r, g, b, a = HexToRGBAFloat(HexColor)
    MaterialInstance:SetColorParameter("BaseColor", FLinearColor(r, g, b, a))

function SetVehicleTexture(vehicle, texture, materialslot)
    local SkeletalMeshComponent = GetVehicleSkeletalMeshComponent(vehicle)
    SkeletalMeshComponent:SetMaterial(materialslot, UMaterialInterface.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_GenericTexture"))
    local MaterialInstance = SkeletalMeshComponent:CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(materialslot)
    MaterialInstance:SetTextureParameter("BaseColorTexture", UTexture2D.LoadFromAsset(texture))
    MaterialInstance:SetColorParameter("BaseColor", FLinearColor(1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) -- Give it a small red shift

function SetVehicleTextureFile(vehicle, textureFile, materialslot)
    local SkeletalMeshComponent = GetVehicleSkeletalMeshComponent(vehicle)
    SkeletalMeshComponent:SetMaterial(materialslot, UMaterialInterface.LoadFromAsset("/Game/Scripting/Materials/MI_GenericTexture"))
    local MaterialInstance = SkeletalMeshComponent:CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(materialslot)
    local Texture2D = UTexture2D.LoadFromFile(texture)
    MaterialInstance:SetTextureParameter("BaseColorTexture", Texture2D)

    -- UTexture2D.LoadFromFile holds a reference to the texture loaded from file. Reuse it as often as you can to save GPU memory!
    -- When you no longer need it, free the texture by calling Texture2D:Release()
    -- If you loose the reference to a texture object it will be released when Lua's garbage collector runs.
    return Texture2D

New clothing items

Click image for larger version  Name:	ClothingItems.JPG Views:	0 Size:	35.0 KB ID:	652

Server changelog
  • Remove model identifier from NPCs (apply clothing items the same way as you do for players)
  • Improve accuracy for object locations (@Swizz)
  • Remove CreateLight, a much better solution will be possible with the UnrealLua API in one of the next updates
  • Remove SetPickupVisibleForPlayers
  • Add SetPickupVisibility, SetText3DVisibility
  • Add SetPlayerRagdoll, SetNPCRagdoll
  • Add HexToRGBAFloat
  • Add SetPlayerVoiceDimension

Update Steam libraries, steam_api64.dll, libsteam_api.so, steamclient.so.

This update has less content as usual because I'm finishing the map behind the scenes.