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Add Javascript or TypeScript support

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    Add Javascript or TypeScript support

    Hi, I'm suggesting to add Javascript or Typescript support, to use instead of lua if we want
    I'm using a lot JS and NodeJS for server-side, and to be not able import js libraries in lua its broking
    a lot of ideas, as for an example i cant connect server.lua to a socket server because there's no working
    sockets libraries that are working, i have spent today 5 hours trying , but no success
    same for database, im using MongoDB and there no way to use it with lua, yes there are library
    but as same for sockets none of them worked, and that makes a lot of limitations, so we can only use
    maria and lua , there should be a way to make it, i know there onset typescript api from onsetfirenetwork
    but its not updated anymore and is only a transpiler and does not makes full support of TS, and still cannot use npm & nodejs modules like mongodb or sockets,
    that blocks a lots of possibilities and for me the ability to make a server that could be robust, adding support for JS or TS
    it will open a lot of doors and flexibility, hope that JS will be supported, JS is more used then lua, there the graph , lua is 21st i don't say lua is bad , but it not the best at all
    and i think to make quality scripts we need quality languages, having just sand to build a tower its unrealistic
    Last edited by N3X404; 12-29-2019, 11:30 AM.

    Would be awesome.

    As a workaround we could create a wrapper between the V8 runtime and the Lua. (as a bridge)

